A small freshwater fish with a deeply notched long-based dorsal fin, a small mouth, and a squarish to slightly rounded tail. Southern Pygmy Perch have a non-serrated preorbital bone and a round pupil. Breeding males develop brilliant red fins.
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What habitats does Nannoperca australis live in?
Southern Pygmy Perch usually occur amongst aquatic vegetation in a wide range of environments.
What is the distribution of Nannoperca australis?
Southeastern Australia including Tasmania although the species has a patchy distribution due population declines
How big does Nannoperca australis grow?
Can grow to around 100mm
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This does not mean that it cannot be found locally, just that I have not been able to verify records at the time this species was added to the database.
Disclaimer: A lot of work goes into trying to identify and ensure accurate identifications are made and that the listed Descriptions, Sizes, Habitats and Distribution information is as accurate and valid as possible. Unfortunately, information in this arena is ever changing and as such no guarantee can be offered that it is correct or currently valid as a result the information is provided as a guide, and it is always suggested that you do a little research to ensure you have the latest and most accurate information. View the reference's or bibliography I welcome any feedback and comments on the information provided.